My assumption is that OpenEmu just assumes it's a RetroLink SNES controller because it sees a device with the manufacturer ID of "0x0079" and ignores the product ID of "0x0011" (which should at least be different than the product ID for the SNES version). Alle Marken sind Eigentum ihrer jeweiligen Besitzer in den USA und anderen Ländern. Whether youre about to go toe to toe with Koopa or racking up frags on the hottest PC multi-player, now you can go old school with every weapon in your arsenal. In SNES games it on the other hand maps A to A and B to B. However the standard (and unchangeable) setting is to map is to map A to B and B to Y (which I do not have on my NES controller). When I plug it in, my computer doesn't recognize the device and troubleshooting the device obviously does nothing. i tried it with snes9x and another one and neither seemed to work.
The interesting part is that it does recognize up, down, left right, start select, A and B correctly, which at least in theory should let me play NES games with it. The Retrolink SNES USB Controller says that it works without drivers or anything, but then doesn't seem to work with any of my SNES emulators. In the pop up, change Device to the USB gamepad. When connected directly it gets 4.7v I did solder two USB leads on after one for power one for signal. They are getting 4.5-4.6v when plugged into the hub. For each of the buttons and controls, right click on the gray button. Just tried plugging the controller into the pi directly and it is recognised :S why do the PS4 and Xbox 360 controllers work when plugged into the hub but the snes one doesn't. However the problem with this is that it incorrectly recognizes it as a RetroLink SNES controller. Change the Device in the top left hand corner to Keyboard. I just decided for fun to see if I could get my RetroLink NES (yes NES, not SNES) controller to work with OpenEmu some way, but low and behold it immediately recognized my controller.